Wednesday, 30 December 2009


I lovezeeez Spiderman, So i wanted to try a mix of my own stop motion put together in flash, then taken into After Effects just to play around with some lighting/cameras/colours etc.

I cannot even begin to explain how much doing this hurt my head.. and yes, i'm aware of the dodgy black outline around the orbs that kinda ruin the whole effect, but, shush, i dunno how to fix it yet! And the shadow below the orb is a bit too low now that i've watched it a few times. Ohwell, i'm still in love with it because it's shiny, ooo :) I also have no explanation as to why its bunched up into an oval and not a sphere anymore? Stupid rendering. Ohwell, it's all a learning curve, right?

After Effects!.. Continued

Straight after uploading that last short clip I was thinking how I could use my new found knowledge. And so once it uploaded i realised, oh, for this site! Or some form of self promotion. I dunno, so I played around a bit more..

And then, feeling abit more comfortable with things, I played around just slightly, using what i'd already learnt.

After Effects!

I totally just did this (From an online tutorial) I'm really enjoying learning the programme!

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Hey, it's not real life, it's highschool.

Ok so someone might find this interesting, but I doubt it. My first memory of properly getting into doodling, though i always have done, was sat in front of my mums TV trying to do the drawings from this, then trying my own about my school. It was the possibly the first time I wanted to animate my own cartoons like it showed in the show, it was just super awesome, I loved it!

Monday, 7 December 2009

Metropolis concept art

Ok so scans from my sketchbook to how they eventually turned out!

And some playing around in photoshop afterwards -

Sunday, 29 November 2009


The walks I used for my currently unfinished animation. I thought this looks quite nice on it's own.


This was just a slide for an initial presentation this year for Invisible Architecture. It was sparked of the whole project so i deemed it relevant to upload, plus she's cool.

Invisible Architecture Book

Pre work to the previous animations, this is mini task we were set for studios Invisible Architecture brief, which shows the foundations of my idea of character building as an invisible architecture. As a project I kind of enjoyed it though i found it hard to get my head around laying it out correctly as a page, and getting all 24 pages in a short time span. It's also the first project I've done at university where I've been slightly disappointed with my grade in regards to how much effort I put in, but turns out it just didn't make as much sense on paper as it did in my head..

Test Animations

These are some test animations that i did as a build up to the previous animation, these were to simply get my mind going about how i could portray my idea; that a character or personality is summed up by it's environment and/or belongings.

And this Final one was based on the idea that a empty shell of a chacter would fill up with falling objects in a 'Tetris' like animation, but after doing this my idea led elsewhere.. (See previous blog post)

Ok so an obvoiusly unfinished animation i'm working on for Studio. Decided on this idea and storyboarded it out on Friday, so 48 hours later i'm half way through it.
The project is Invisible Architecture and i'm focusing on the the build up and background of creating a character.

Here is the guy who i'm using for this:

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

"Finished" Poly Model

Some more photos of it in process and then the 'finished' thing. Ok, so he looks like he's been beaten in the head with a brick a few times, but I'm still proud..

3D Max Poly Modelling

Poly modelling in 3Dsmax 2010. This is during the process as you can see it isn't fnished yet. I find 3Dmax stuff difficult for one reason or another. Will upload more photo's when it's finished.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Lots going on! Back to university, really excited about visual studies brief this term, concept art, awesome! Getting well and truly stuck into that. Process and Production looks set to be interesting aswell, a real eye opener to some new things and plenty of room for imagination, but in practise i don't know how it'll go, we'll see. Need to look for a animation competition or something i'd like to enter for FOLD. Animation and Kinetics looks set to STUMP me yet again, FAIL. I need to sort out my 3Danimation skillz. Or lack of. Just Studio and virtual enviroments to go to and find out what the year will bring with them. I hope we get to do that drawing class too. Anyway, above in Bumblebee. Just doing a line drawing of this chap makes me REALLY appreciate the 3D animators for the films, god, i can barely open up 3Dmax without getting frustrated, so in my eyes, they are gods. I'm gunna play with this, now its scanned in, colour, photoshop, who knows. I also purchased a 10 megapixel digital camera and mini tripod today, sound investment for university i think! Gunna try out some stop motion at home. And will also help me get started on this Metropolis thing for visual studies!


Monday, 28 September 2009

One of our Tutors Jay showed me this website -

the guys called Rian Hughes and i've instantly fallen for his work, he's an illustrator and does some amazing looking comic related stuff! Ace.

Love this especially -

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

I think i need Uni to start again..

someone brief me! i need guidence.. ha...

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Small process

As previously mentioned i've been trying to improve some painting in photoshop (my own stuff, that is) It isn't going terribly well as you'll see but i thought i'd post this to show how i went from paper to screen. Meet Bess*..

* My sincere apologies to Bess as I do her no justice


Just some illustrator drawings, pretty self explanatory - just for fun.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Whats on my mind?

As an avid Marvel fan obviously the Disney buy-out. I'm intrigued to see if who owns them at the top of the chain effects just how great they are. I read die-hard fans have already made pacts to boycott there beloved Marvell, which personally, I think is ridiculous.
I'm also getting back into my games, I had a dry spell where my time was more consumed my comics and movies, but now I have that dieing urge to pick up a controller and get lost for 3 days on end without sleep in a really addictive game. I just need to find one first? (Damn lack of funds as a student result in me still not owning a PS3 or X-Box, which is where the good games are at at the moment, watch this space)
Hopefully you don't need to ask how this blog relates to my uni work. Every comic I read, image i see, movie i watch and game i play influences and inspires me in some way - even the bad ones (To urm, not make bad things?)

I need to,well, get good, at what i'm supposesd to do. I still see myself as the least animator in my class. I don't feel I'm particuly good in any one area and i certainly don't excell anywhere (Unless you can excell in time management and putting 100% in?) Though it's still getting me nowhere. Right now i'm focusing on teaching myself to paint my own stuff in Photoshop. so i stray away from Illustrator more this year, which i'm now fairly confident in.

/Pointless blog

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

In the summer time..

..when the weather has not been so fine, I've used some spare time to play around on the computer, drawing, etc. Here's what I've been doing. These were just me trying to get used to pen tablet at the begning of the summer, which is still quite new to me..All on photoshop cs3.

This is obvoiusly a very quick rough animation but as last year I hadn't done an animation with a moving background, i wanted to make sure the way i thought to do, would work, before i actually put it into action.. When this loops it makes me laugh as the background repeats like something out of the Flintstones..regardless, I found out my thoery did work fine.

I had a quick animation of a guy bouncing a ball, not very interesting, but it helped me play around with shadows etc, but for some reason that i don't understand blogger wont let me upload it.

This was something i started and didn't get round to fnishing, as a bit of a laugh my friend requested some strange things for me to to fill my time and to amuse her, this was "Do the little mairmaid playing a french horn" ..I never made it up to the french horn part, though what I did was fun..Not sure If i should be putting unfinished bits up here, but ohwell..

"Do a picture of Simba from the lion king having a fight with Pikachu with Billy Joe from Greenday as the ref!"

Why not!

Other bits and bobs:

I absoloutely loved Watchmen! Thought it was one of the best films I've seen in a while

Experimenting drawing in Flash!

The following photo's are actually atleast 4 years old now, but i wanted to upload them because i still love them today, especially the last 2 -

And finally this was a little something I did when brainstorming ideas of 'a little something' to maybe embed in the corner of a website, or at the end of blogs etc, a little animated trademark. The original idea of the guy was from a pixel piece I did when i was bored about 2 years ago, then last year I used the 'look' of the guy to do my lip sync animation for University. And here he is again!