Sunday, 29 November 2009


The walks I used for my currently unfinished animation. I thought this looks quite nice on it's own.


This was just a slide for an initial presentation this year for Invisible Architecture. It was sparked of the whole project so i deemed it relevant to upload, plus she's cool.

Invisible Architecture Book

Pre work to the previous animations, this is mini task we were set for studios Invisible Architecture brief, which shows the foundations of my idea of character building as an invisible architecture. As a project I kind of enjoyed it though i found it hard to get my head around laying it out correctly as a page, and getting all 24 pages in a short time span. It's also the first project I've done at university where I've been slightly disappointed with my grade in regards to how much effort I put in, but turns out it just didn't make as much sense on paper as it did in my head..

Test Animations

These are some test animations that i did as a build up to the previous animation, these were to simply get my mind going about how i could portray my idea; that a character or personality is summed up by it's environment and/or belongings.

And this Final one was based on the idea that a empty shell of a chacter would fill up with falling objects in a 'Tetris' like animation, but after doing this my idea led elsewhere.. (See previous blog post)

Ok so an obvoiusly unfinished animation i'm working on for Studio. Decided on this idea and storyboarded it out on Friday, so 48 hours later i'm half way through it.
The project is Invisible Architecture and i'm focusing on the the build up and background of creating a character.

Here is the guy who i'm using for this:

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

"Finished" Poly Model

Some more photos of it in process and then the 'finished' thing. Ok, so he looks like he's been beaten in the head with a brick a few times, but I'm still proud..

3D Max Poly Modelling

Poly modelling in 3Dsmax 2010. This is during the process as you can see it isn't fnished yet. I find 3Dmax stuff difficult for one reason or another. Will upload more photo's when it's finished.