Sunday, 31 January 2010

Procrastination at it's finest and most awesome.

SUPPOSED to be doing Uni work - this was blatantly more fun..

doo do doooo, more than meets the eye! :D

Monday, 25 January 2010

More max

Attempted some more UVW Unwrap/Mapping things. This one went ALOT better. Second time round I knew what i was doing more and there are actually no mistakes with the mapping, I could just do a better paint job, but this was only a quickie test, as it 6.57, i'm still in uni, and i need a wee..
Oh by the way the model and original drawing was supplied by tutor Jay, but next time i'm going to map my own model of Wayne

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Another day another dollar! Anyway tried to get on new competition brief. It's coming along, but I'd like to get some feedback from my tutors, when they have time for it, maybe in another few weeks, maybe i'd get more help if i payed £3000 for them to tea...oh wait. Never mind :D I'm waiting on finding out some Erasmus information, but again thats taking time, I might go speak to student services and get hold of the right people directly. Not only is there the uncertainty of not knowing what i'm doing after this year but I've got a student loan form staring at me waiting to be filled out correctly (For whatever I end up doing next year..) And we all know what happens when you don't get these forms off in time. Also my flatmates are now looking for accommodation which I obviously can't do yet.. This whole year feels like limbo!
Anyway I also want to edit my little banner at the top of the page. I want it similar to this, but better, so I can use it on business cards and maybe animate it for the end of my videos? I dunno, any advice?
What else, hmm. Oh, I got out Lewis Carolls original Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass from the library yesterday and read the first 2 chapters last night. It confirmed what I already knew - I'm not much of a reader! But it's already helped with ideas, ever so slightly. I need to edit the eyes on my previous alice drawing as directed by my tutor.
Anyway I thought i'd update in a textual way. For now, bed!

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

What I've been doing lately..

After much thought I scrapped the brief i was working on for FOLD. Sometimes you have a creative block and just have to start a fresh, which is what I've done. I gave up on the pervious Body Shop brief I was working on and am already well under way with this new Cartoon Network one. I just put this together to show my blog my progress so far. Considering I only found this brief 6 days ago, I've got a pretty good flow going on with it - success!

The colours were too orange, which is too nickelodeon for a cartoon network brief, so changed the colour scheme of the room, and have worked on the next scene of the animation where the kid, who for now is called carlton, draws in his own world, here's how it looks so far, only a few second of animation but i'm happy with how i've put an idea into practise with this

Sorry for poor quality, i'll try get any updates on this animation upto my youtube



Also -

I got quite excited when I received this brief but realistically I'd never have the time to do a good job at it by the deadline, however i'm still going to work on it in my spare time because I find it fun and interesting, and I might produce some cool portfolio work, If i enjoy it enough, I might make it good enough!